Sleep apnea is a medical problem that prevents patients from living healthy lives. And while the condition can be complicated, your Thornton dentist is qualified to provide treatment to comfortably alleviate side-effects. At Alpine Dental Center, Dr. Alan Gurman provides sleep apnea appliances in Thornton, CO. As a dentist, Dr. Gurman has a complete understanding of how oral structures contribute to sleep apnea and how the issue can be alleviated with proper care.
For information about comfortable sleep apnea dentistry, contact our office for your consultation!
Request an AppointmentDetermining Presence of Sleep Apnea
If you or a member of your family suspect signs of sleep apnea, we encourage discussion of symptoms during routine examinations. Dr. Gurman provides a questionnaire to determine whether you’re at risk for sleep-disordered breathing. Our office evaluates factors that include age, weight, and whether you experience frequent fatigue and loud snoring — all of which contribute to a sleep condition that could be either OSA (obstructive sleep apnea) or CSA (central sleep apnea).
Diagnosis of health issues is verified by your medical doctor through a sleep study. Dr. Gurman works closely with your primary care physician to determine the best course of action for providing relief from bothersome sleep apnea symptoms.
Sleep Apnea Dental Appliances in Thornton
Completion of your sleep study and coordination with your doctor will reveal blood oxygenation levels and the root cause of your sleep apnea. If soft tissues at the back of the throat are collapsing to prevent the flow of air, you have obstructive sleep apnea, which can be treated with the use of a specialized oral appliance.
Dr. Gurman, our sleep apnea dentist, uses trusted mouth guards to help patients breathe easily while they sleep. These include EMA and TAP appliances, both of which are customized based on the shape of your smile to fit comfortably and prevent airway closure. Your sleep appliance is designed to pull your lower jaw slightly forward, which keeps airways open and eliminates the risk of soft tissue collapse at the back of the throat.
CPAP, or continuous positive airway pressure, devices are commonly prescribed for patients with sleep apnea, but these devices tend to be difficult and contribute to low compliance rates. If you qualify for a sleep apnea dental appliance, you can benefit from treatment that is easily incorporated into your everyday life and is comfortable to use each night.
Ask our Dentist about Sleep Apnea Oral Appliances!
There’s no need to live with the bothersome symptoms of sleep-disordered breathing. Let Dr. Gurman and his team help you rest soundly and enjoy renewed energy throughout the day with oral appliance therapy.
Get started today by contacting our office for your initial evaluation!