Dentures, Partial Dentures, & Hybrid Dentures
Patient Photos Depicting:
Dentures, Partial Dentures, & Hybrid Dentures
Note: Patients depicted in photos have provided their consent to display their pictures online. Results may vary.
Patient Photos Depicting:
Dentures, Partial Dentures, & Hybrid Dentures
Note: Patients depicted in photos have provided their consent to display their pictures online. Results may vary.
A hybrid denture is a permanent set of teeth that is stabilized in the jaw by being attached to 4 or 5 dental implants. The new teeth are fitted to a frame that is inserted into the implants in the jaw with screws that will fit through access holes in the denture. This gives the patient confidence that the denture will stay in place and not move around when chewing. New teeth appear, feel, and function just like natural teeth, providing healthy and charming smile.