Before/After: 2 anterior implants placed. A 3 unit bridge is attached to the implants as the restoration.

The incredible transformation made possible by dental implants is shown in the above photographs. The upper image shows the upper jaw in its original state, following surgery to implant two anterior implants, which will act as the base for the replacement teeth. The gums surrounding the implants seem to be mending nicely, demonstrating the accuracy and thoughtfulness of the process. A three-unit bridge that is firmly fixed to the implants serves as the restoration in the bottom photo, which shows the finished product. The patient’s smile is now complete, its functionality and beauty restored as the prosthetics blend in perfectly with the surrounding natural teeth. This change demonstrates how dental implants work well to replace lost teeth with a long-lasting and attractive option.

Before/After: 6 unit bridge attached to 4 dental implants. Restoring the patient with a pleasing smile.

A recent significant dental restoration involving a 6-unit bridge attached to 4 dental implants. The top left photos display the initial stage where the patient’s upper gums are prepped and ready for the implant. The image on the top right showcases the custom-made 6-unit bridge, designed to replicate the natural teeth and fit securely onto the implants. The lower photos reveal the final transformation, where the bridge is firmly attached to the 4 implants, beautifully restoring the patient’s smile. The seamless integration of the bridge with the existing teeth highlights the success of the procedure, resulting in a natural, pleasing appearance and improved dental function.



K.S. had an unfortunate accident involving the loss of his front four anterior teeth. Four anterior implants were placed and restored with four all porcelain crowns. K.S. was able to have his great confident smile back.



D.C. had two anterior teeth that were damaged causing them to turn darker than her other teeth. Unfortunately the roots of the two front teeth were damaged and they were unable to be restored. With a combination two anterior implants that were restored with all porcelain crowns, direct composite veneers on her lateral teeth and Zoom in office bleaching, D.C. had her beautiful smile restored.

Note: Patients depicted in photos have provided their consent to display their pictures online. Results may vary.